3420.81 – Intersecting Medians

In \triangleABC, medians AD and BE intersect at G and ED is drawn. If the area of \triangleEGD is k, find the area of \triangleABC.



Look at \triangleBED. Medians intersect in the ratio 2:1, so set BG = 2x and GE = x. Thus the area of \triangleBGD is 2 x area \triangleGED = 2k.

Then look at \triangleBEC. Area \triangleBED = \triangleCED.

\triangleBED = 3k so \triangleCED = 3k too.

Now consider \triangleADC. \triangleAED = \triangleCED, so \triangleAEG = 2k.

Finally look at \triangleBAC. \triangleBAE =\triangleBCE = 6k, so \triangleBAG = 4k.

So we've got 12 k total.

(There might be snazzier ways to get it.)